Call our friendly team on 01256 334575
We are once again collecting Easter Eggs to donate to the local charity for seriously ill children, Sebastian's Action Trust.
This local charity provides respite breaks to families of children with life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses from sites in Crowthorne and North Waltham. It also gives families practical support such as transport from home to hospital or hospice, well-being therapy, sibling support, psycho-social support, help at home and bereavement care.
This year's Sebastian's Action Trust Easter Egg Hunts are being held on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd April so the team at Priority Appointments is collecting Easter Eggs now and will be delivering them to the charity on Tuesday 29th March.
As Business Director Tracy Welch explained, “We have some ‘egg-ceptionally’ generous clients who have joined with us in the past to donate hundreds of Easter Eggs for Sebastian's Action Trust’s Easter Egg hunts. Of course, the charity hasn’t been able to run this over the past two years, so we’re hoping that this year’s haul will be bigger than ever!”
If you'd like to donate, just pop into our office at 19 - 23 Winchester Street, Basingstoke RG21 7EE (parking in Albert Yard car park) with an Easter Egg - or three! - anytime during business hours Monday - Friday.
Alternatively, give our super-enthusiastic team a call on 01256 334575 and one of us will come and collect them from your premises.
You can find out more about Sebastian’s Action Trust here.
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