Call our friendly team on 01256 334575
As a leading Basingstoke recruitment agency, we’ve been helping people find new jobs for over 20 years, so we can help you make sure that your next move is exactly right for you.
Job hunting is exciting. If you’re feeling a bit fed up with your current job, the anticipation of starting a fresh and fulfilling new role, meeting new people and learning new skills can help to put a real spring in your step!
But it’s important to make sure that the next job you apply for is going to take you in the right direction
As a recruitment agency that takes our responsibilities to the job-hunters we help seriously, we’d always rather you take the time to make sure you can make the most of your next job rather than jumping into a role that isn’t going to help you achieve your goals.
Here are our top tips for making the most of your next permanent or temporary job.
When you see a job advertised for a higher salary or hourly rate than you’re currently on, it’s easy to get dazzled by a big number and be blinded as to whether it’s the best move for you right now.
We advise candidates who are looking for new roles to really explore a job spec with a helpful recruitment consultant and to talk through how well it will fit both your skills and personality.
A good consultant from an independent, caring recruitment agency like Priority won’t mind taking time to talk it through with you.
Whether you’re in a temp position or in a permanent role, plan out what you want to do in your next job. List out what you do and don’t like about your current or last role to make sure you don’t end up taking on a job that means you’re still stuck doing work you’ve not enjoyed or have struggled with in the past.
If you’ve been made redundant, or are looking for a new job because your personal circumstances have changed or you’ve had to move, it might be difficult to be objective and analyse what you really want from your next role. Discussing what your options are given your experience and skills with a recruitment consultant might help you consider some fresh ideas.
Is there anyone in your family or your network that you can talk to about the type of role you are considering next?
Is there a short online course you can do that will add to your existing skill set and make you a more attractive proposition to a prospective employer?
Doing some deep research into the business and sector before hitting the apply button will set you up for success.
Write down the sort of working environment you’re looking for, and don’t be afraid to explore further afield or in a slightly different industry to your existing role.
Keep your eye on job listing sites such as CV Library and our vacancies page so you get a good feel for what’s on offer and what the going pay rates and benefit packages look like in your chosen field.
When you’re going for an interview, right through to your first few weeks in the role, keep thinking about how you can make yourself invaluable to your new boss and colleagues.
Nobody expects a new team-mate to understand everything, but if you have an idea about how something can be done more efficiently or work better for clients, do raise it with the appropriate person.
Don’t be upset if your idea isn’t adopted straight away: there may be a reason that you‘re not yet aware of!
If you find it difficult to promote yourself, then working with a recruitment agency is ideal, as we'll do the ‘selling’ for you!
There are some things that you can’t really explain on your CV, which is why we’re so passionate about always making sure we talk to job applicants to find out more about you and together we can work out where you’re most likely to thrive.
Once we start working together, we make it our mission to search for a permanent or temporary job that’s a good fit for you on your behalf, and we may even know about roles that aren’t on your radar. You could be getting ready to start that new job sooner than you think!
So if you’re ready to find a new job that you can really get your teeth into and want to make sure that your next role is the best yet, call our friendly team on 01256 334575 or email us at to discover how we can help.
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